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Dr Sandra Scantling - Intimacy Q&A: Communication Issues

Answer: Rapid ejaculation is a very common (and easily remedied) problem. Most men your age ejaculate within 2-3 minutes of penetration. Boys learn to ejaculate rapidly by masturbating quickly (as a teen or preteen). As men age, the pressure to ejaculate quickly tends to decrease. Delaying your ejaculation involves learning how to get more in tune with your body and recognize when you're about to ejaculate (called the point of ejaculatory inevitability). By controlling your anxiety and refocusing on the sensations in your body, you'll soon have better control and will be able to extend your pleasure for longer and longer periods of time. The specific instructions for the Stop/Start or the Squeeze technique is available in most sexual textbooks. One great book for male sexuality is Bernie Zilbergeld's, New Male Sexuality.

Intimacy Q & A: Communication Issues

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